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Attempted Removal of Officer

Guest GEP

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Im not going to go into to much detail, I just need a little clarification on something. If a motion was made to impeach an officer and the motion fails with 100% of members voting against the impeachment, is someone allowed to make a motion to bring up impeachment again or is it kind of like double jeopardy where it cannot be voted on again. I can go into further details if needed and to keep in mind this is a college run organization.

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A failed motion can be made again at another session, but not the same session.  It's not entirely clear (and you're not going to go into too much detail, it seems, so it may remain unclear) if the motion was in order in the first place.  If it was, though, it remains in order at a future session.  There is no "one shot and you're done" rule in RONR, outside of the rule that the same motion cannot be made again at the same session.

A session, to cut off any confusion, is a meeting or related group of meetings.  What most organizations refer to as "meetings" are both meetings and sessions, but the difference comes up, for instance, at a multi-day convention.

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20 hours ago, Guest GEP said:

Im not going to go into to much detail, I just need a little clarification on something. If a motion was made to impeach an officer and the motion fails with 100% of members voting against the impeachment, is someone allowed to make a motion to bring up impeachment again or is it kind of like double jeopardy where it cannot be voted on again. I can go into further details if needed and to keep in mind this is a college run organization.

It should be noted that the word “impeachment” is not used in RONR. This term is used in the process for removing high government officials and refers to bringing charges. President Clinton, for instance, was impeached but was not removed from office. I assume what is actually meant is that a motion was made to remove the officer. Additionally, there is no “double jeopardy” rule in RONR.

Finally, the question arises if this motion was in order to begin with. Removing an officer often requires more process than simply making a motion to do so. Do your bylaws have their own disciplinary procedures? If not, how is the term of office defined?

Edited by Josh Martin
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