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Executive Board Recommendation

Guest Dave Godley

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When the Exec Board makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors is the motion an automatic from the Executive board? Does the automatic motion also contain an automatic second or does the board have to second the Executive board recommendation before voting.

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Let me start by saying how I understand the question, followed by my answer.

It seems to me you have a "board within a board," which RONR calls an executive committee, and you call an executive board. In general, the executive committee can act between meetings of the board, but it seems that, for at least some purposes, your executive board needs to make a recommendation to the full board. I then understand the question to be whether making that recommendation requires a motion, and whether that motion requires a second.

The answer to the first is yes, although it's not a big deal. During it's report, the reporting member will simply say "I move on behalf of the executive board that..." That is, the motion is the very form the recommendation takes, they aren't two separate things.

The answer to the second is no, motions made by direction of committee, or of sub-boards, do not require seconds, since more than one person already is known to want to discuss it.

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