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Historical Commission and City Council


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First post here. I live in the USA and I'm trying to determine if a city's historical commission can put things on a city council agenda without mayoral involvement. Also, as a rule, I'd like to figure out if the mayor has the authority to stop the historical commission from these types of actions. The subject matter is the National Register of Historic Places and the manner in which nomination applications are handled at the local level.

I'd be happy to go into more detail if necessary.


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I would get a copy of the city charter and a copy of the motion and/or rules that created the Historical Commission. The answer is most probably in there somewhere. Perhaps you could pose a question to the city attorney after one of the council meetings and see what he has to say.

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Davis, welcome to the forum!  Unfortunately, your question is one we can't answer.  It is more of a legal question and subject to rules such as state law and local city charter and ordinances and rules that are outside the scope of this forum.   All of those "rules" supersede RONR.

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9 hours ago, Guest Zev said:

I would get a copy of the city charter and a copy of the motion and/or rules that created the Historical Commission. The answer is most probably in there somewhere. Perhaps you could pose a question to the city attorney after one of the council meetings and see what he has to say.


Thank you. I've very new at this and for some reason never would have thought to look at the city charter - and city attorney! Thank you for this.

By the way, do you think I should look at the state's general laws too?

9 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

Davis, welcome to the forum!  Unfortunately, your question is one we can't answer.  It is more of a legal question and subject to rules such as state law and local city charter and ordinances and rules that are outside the scope of this forum.   All of those "rules" supersede RONR.

  Hi Richard, Thanks. Guest Zev steered me in the direction of the attorney so that should address the legal aspect.  I'm just realizing now that you suggest looking at the state law. I'll be doing this today. We're under pressure time-wise, so I'll be on this today. Thanks.


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