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Meeting not properly held

Guest whistleblower

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Hi I would like to know if the board of directors meeting is valid if it was held incorrectly which is stated in our bylaws.

 basically what happened was I was basically what happened was I was on the h o a board of directors as treasurer and ran across some discrepancies and when I brought it two other board members they called an executive meeting by posting a 4 day notice and then demoted me because they are trying to cover up something I would like to know if the demotion from the board is valid because they called an executive meeting and not a special meeting allowing the public to be present which are bylaws say must be done. To be more specific good bylaws state that an executive meeting can only be called after a regular meeting and this was not done it should have been a special meeting and it should have been posted as so with this not being done is the meeting valid and are the decisions made in the meeting valid?

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

If the meeting was not called in accordance with the bylaws, then all actions taken at that meeting are null and void. A point of order to this effect may be raised at a future meeting. If the chair does not take well the point, then you may appeal and a majority will decide.

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Guest Whistleblower, what do you mean when you say they called "an executive meeting"??  Do you mean a meeting of the Executive Board?   The  Executive Committee?  A meeting (of some body...which body??) to be held in executive session?

Please quote the exact language in your bylaws (quote exactly, don't paraphrase) about calling special meetings.  Also quote the provision requiring that the public be permitted to attend.

Also, please quote any provision about removal from office.

I have serious concerns as to whether what was done  was proper (or valid), but we really need more information.

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4 minutes ago, Guest Zev said:

I get the sense that Whistleblower is more interested in reversing his being "demoted."

I do, too, but we need the information I requested in order to help him determine whether his "demotion" was properly handled (or valid) and what to do about it. The devil is in the detail, especially when it comes to disciplinary matters, etc.

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