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Voting privileges


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39 minutes ago, carolt said:

If a member of organization is suspended from the group for a year is he allowed voting rights during that year suspension?

If the member is suspended through the disciplinary procedures in Ch. XX of RONR, and the rights which were suspended were not specified, I would suggest that he was suspended of all his rights of membership (except those relating to discipline). If the suspension is due to a provision in your bylaws, you should check your bylaws to answer this question.

”Members in good standing are those whose rights as members of the assembly are not under suspension as a consequence of disciplinary proceedings or by operation of some specific provision in the bylaws. A member may thus be in good standing even if in arrears in payment of dues (see pp. 406,571–72). If only some of an individual's rights as a member of the assembly are under suspension (for example, the rights to make motions and speak in debate), other rights of assembly membership may still be exercised (for example, the rights to attend meetings and vote).” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 6, footnote)

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