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officer election

Guest D. Brown

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If the current president of  the organization become very ill and unable to serve and a president at large begin to work on the presidents behalf.  The president passes away is the at-large automatic become president elect and if he does become president elect after the death of the president is/will he be all to run when the term he is completing runs our.  There is two (2) years of a four year term left????

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24 minutes ago, Guest D. Brown said:

If the current president of  the organization become very ill and unable to serve and a president at large begin to work on the presidents behalf.  The president passes away is the at-large automatic become president elect and if he does become president elect after the death of the president is/will he be all to run when the term he is completing runs our.  There is two (2) years of a four year term left????

For starters, please explain to us what you mean by a "president at large".  That is a term that is foreign to us and is not even mentioned in RONR.  I honestly have no idea what you mean by the term.

It is very doubtful that the "president at large" automatically becomes president, but we need to know more about what you are talking about.  Usually the vice president automatically becomes president upon the death of the president or a vacancy in the officer of the president.  Do you have a vice president?

What do your bylaws say about a vacancy in the office of the president?  Do they say the vice president becomes president?

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I agree with mr. Brown that  I am not familiar with the term president at Large.  I further agree that the answer to most of these questions will be found in your bylaws. While you're checking your bylaws about vacancies in the office of president, that should also be where you will find out whether someone is eligible to run for re-election to the same position and if there are any term limits. The general rule is that if someone serves more than half the term of office they are considered to have served for a term.

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