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Voting by board Members

Guest Sharon

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Scenario:   Proper notice of a Board Meeting has been posted stating that months agenda. Can a board member (during that meeting) bring a subject up for vote that has not been posted on the agenda in advance or must it be delayed til the next month when a new notice is posted and the item added to that agenda??

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29 minutes ago, Guest Sharon said:

Scenario:   Proper notice of a Board Meeting has been posted stating that months agenda. Can a board member (during that meeting) bring a subject up for vote that has not been posted on the agenda in advance or must it be delayed til the next month when a new notice is posted and the item added to that agenda??

It sounds like this is a regular meeting (given the reference to “that month’s” agenda). In that case, so far as RONR is concerned, the board member is free to bring a subject up for vote that has not been posted on the agenda in advance. The board may postpone the motion to the next meeting if it wishes, but it is not required to do so. RONR has no requirement that items of business for a regular meeting be included in the notice. It is possible that your rules provide otherwise.

It should also be noted that the agenda provided in advance does not actually become the agenda for the meeting until it is adopted by the board at the meeting, unless your rules provide otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Guest Sharon said:

Scenario:   Proper notice of a Board Meeting has been posted stating that months agenda. Can a board member (during that meeting) bring a subject up for vote that has not been posted on the agenda in advance or must it be delayed til the next month when a new notice is posted and the item added to that agenda??

Guest Sharon, you might find the answer to FAQ No. 14 helpful regarding the use of an agenda:  http://www.robertsrules.com/faq.html#14


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20 minutes ago, Guest Zev said:

Is it not true that some public bodies or other organizations that must observe state laws have agenda requirements that supersede RONR in that they must post the subject before it can be considered? Is the organization which Guest Sharon mentions perhaps one of those?

Yes, in most states public bodies are subject to open meetings laws (sunshine laws) which often dictate posting the agenda in advance and what procedures, if any, must be followed to change the agenda once posted.  Also, some organizations such as homeowner associations are sometimes subject to similar laws concerning posting an agenda, etc.  

Our advice here is based on the rules on RONR.

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