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New to law, have a few questions


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Hi, I am trying to get involved with our town, I was told we follow RONR but honestly I don't understand, I read one thing and my town does another. Maybe I am just referencing the wrong part of the book, I'm just not sure. 

Such as...

We have chairs step down all the time, kinda a screwed up little place here, our chairs are the only ones who get to vote not including the mayor. with the mayor their would be 6 votes.

The mayor brought up passing a law, we had a workshop to talk about it, my contact info was on there and its been a month with no response from any member on anything, questions, concerns, suggestions. I brought it up at the last meeting in the public comments that we would like some forward momentum and they tried to table it.-wasn't even that part of the meeting.

We don"t know what kind of mayor we even have.

Any advice would be nice, thank you in advance for your response.

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RONR won't tell you how to handle the situation of your "mystery mayor", but this small book might be a place for you to start your journey into parliamentary procedure: 


"Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief", Updated Second Edition (Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2011). It is a splendid summary of all the rules you will ever need in all but the most exceptional situations. And only $7.50! You can read it in an evening. Get both RONRIB and RONR (scroll down) at this link: 


Or in your local bookstore.

However, it is quite likely that your municipality has adopted special rules that supersede RONR's rules, in some situations.  You will have to  check that possibility  in your home-town ordinances.

We can tell you what RONR says, but not what your town rules say.  Don't hesitate to ask.

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