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Is it possible to revise several items within a standing rule with only one motion?

Guest Marian Smith

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We are attempting to remove actual monetary amounts that are scattered throughout 12 items under our Standing Rule for Finances. 

ex. C. Finances 3.The Budget will include: a. Chaplain's expenses not to exceed $30. b. Supplies and postage for the membership development team not to exceed $50. c. Maximum of $100 for decorations. d. Honorariums for speakers not to exceed $200.  etc.

We would like to revise those items to read: C. Finances 3.The Budget will include: a, Chaplain's expenses. b. Supplies and postage for the membership development team.. c. decorations with receipts. d. Honorariums for speakers.  etc.

Is it possible to recommend one motion to cover ALL the items, or will we have to vote on each one separately?

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2 hours ago, Guest Zev said:

Are you actually rewriting the standing rule to eliminate the dollar amounts? How would anyone know what the budgeted amounts are?

It looks to me like they are indeed removing specific amounts from the standing rule and the new rule, if adopted, will merely specify that an amount for these items must be included in the budget. The actual amounts will be set in the budget from year to year and might well be different from year to year.

Guest Marian, is this correct?

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Guest Marian,

You could do one motion or do one vote for all the separate motions "in gross" or en bloc

Either way, you should familiarize yourself with the Section on Division of the Question on pages 270-276. Someone may want to have a separate vote on one or a subgroup of your amendments. 

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