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Special Meeting to remove Chairman

Guest Green Vice Chair

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Guest Green Vice Chair

I belong to an organization with by-laws which have a stipulation to use RONR for anything not in conflict with the bylaws or state or federal law. I can safely say no-one really understands RONR. At meetings attempts have been made to use various motions and rulings only to have the Chair rule them out of order. A petition was presented to the Chairman in accordance to the bylaws for a special meeting for the purpose of removing the Chairman for cause according to the by-laws. The petition states a professional parliamentarian must be brought in to facilitate the meeting.

We had a similar meeting about 1 year ago. The Chair brought in a member from a sister organization to run  the meeting while those who circulated the petition paid for a professional parliamentarian to attend. The Chair basically appointed his pick, sister guy, and after a little wrangling there was a vote to allow sister guy to facilitate the meeting. The parliamentarian just observed. Sister guy did a good enough job but we failed to get enough votes to remove the Chair. We find ourselves having another Special Meeting.

Having learned, the petitioners specified who the third party facilitator should be, a professional parliamentarian. Only the Chairman can call a meeting. When the Chairman finally sent the notice of the meeting he sated, according to the bylaws the Chairman shall facilitate all meetings so he will facilitate the meeting. This seems not only improper but a disaster waiting to happen. As a special meeting, the only business we can or will address is what has been presented in the petition and the call to meeting. These are in conflict. Other than appointing a facilitator, the only issue is the removal of the Chairman from office.

Have we established some acceptable precedent with the first meeting to remove this same Chairman?

I am new to all this and I anticipate a fight. Reading RONR I find on page 451, line 30-35, when a motion is made referring only to the presiding officer, he should turn the chair over to the Vice Chair or hold a vote to for a temporary chair. What can I do to ensure this happens? I would prefer a neutral third party so all members may be involved in the discussion portion but if it falls to me I must be prepared and I am not sure what all to anticipate.

Is it best to start with a Point of Order referring to page 451?

Someone will try to make the motion to elect a temporary chair. What is the proper motion and what can be done if the Chair rules the motion out of order? 

We will have paper ballots, is it appropriate to take volunteers for counters or make simply assign people to count the vote?

I know some members may have people who will drive them, they will have to leave the room while we discuss the misdeeds but can they come in and count the ballots after the vote?

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

The regular presiding officer can be replaced for the duration of one meeting by suspending the rules. "I move to suspend the rules and appoint Polly Amentarian as chair for this meeting." If the chair rejects the motion, appeal and the assembly will decide.

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4 hours ago, Guest Green Vice Chair said:

We will have paper ballots, is it appropriate to take volunteers for counters or make simply assign people to count the vote?

The chairman would appoint the tellers.

4 hours ago, Guest Green Vice Chair said:

I know some members may have people who will drive them, they will have to leave the room while we discuss the misdeeds but can they come in and count the ballots after the vote?

Yes, nonmembers could be appointed as tellers, and permitted to enter the meeting hall only to collect the ballots, if desired (and if these persons are willing to sit around for this).

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4 hours ago, Guest Green Vice Chair said:

Only the Chairman can call a meeting. When the Chairman finally sent the notice of the meeting he sated, according to the bylaws the Chairman shall facilitate all meetings so he will facilitate the meeting.


5 hours ago, Guest Green Vice Chair said:

Reading RONR I find on page 451, line 30-35, when a motion is made referring only to the presiding officer, he should turn the chair over to the Vice Chair or hold a vote to for a temporary chair. What can I do to ensure this happens? I would prefer a neutral third party so all members may be involved in the discussion portion but if it falls to me I must be prepared and I am not sure what all to anticipate.


Is it best to start with a Point of Order referring to page 451?


Someone will try to make the motion to elect a temporary chair. What is the proper motion and what can be done if the Chair rules the motion out of order? 

You might read page the section on disciplinary proceedings, particularly the language on page 652, which says the chair must vacate the chair as soon as a motion to remove him is made and seconded.  If he does not do so voluntarily, a point of order would be the appropriate motion.  Here is the pertinent language from page 652:

If the chair is not an appointed or elected chairman pro tem, a motion to declare the chair vacant is not in order. However, a motion can be made to Suspend the Rules so as to take away from him the authority to preside during all or part of a given session.** When such a motion is made and seconded, after stating the motion he must turn the chair over to another following the procedure described on page 395, and the remedy for refusal or failure to do so is that the motion may be put to a vote by its maker(Emphasis added)  (Note that this rule says the chair MUST turn the chair over to someone  else when a motion is made to remove him from  presiding.  It's a "must" rule, not a "should" rule.  He must vacate the chair as soon as the motion is seconded).

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