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April Manning

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The Village Board voted, Mayor did not like result, tabled it until next month when a missing Trustee would be there.  The clerk had already announced the vote, the Mayor asked the Village Attorney if it could be discussed again and recite.  Attorney stated it could be tabled until the next month. Is that aloud?

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It is not proper according to RONR. There are likely laws that affect the way this Board operates, including its own bylaws; they may allow this (but I doubt it).

Under RONR, if the Mayor voted on the prevailing side, he or she could move to Reconsider the vote. If not, then a motion to Rescind could be made at the next meeting.

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2 minutes ago, Atul Kapur said:

It is not proper according to RONR. There are likely laws that affect the way this Board operates, including its own bylaws; they may allow this (but I doubt it).

Under RONR, if the Mayor voted on the prevailing side, he or she could move to Reconsider the vote. If not, then a motion to Rescind could be made at the next meeting.

However, also in accordance with RONR, the "clerk" announcing the vote count is not the same thing as the presiding officer declaring the result. If instead of declaring the result the mayor instead "tabled" the motion - and no one objected by rising to a point of order - then that is the action that stands, and it is too late to do so at the next meeting.

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Does the village charter, or whatever the controlling document is, require more than one vote before the item is considered passed or rejected? Perhaps this is the explanation of why the village attorney said that the item just voted on could be laid on the table. By laying it on the table the implication would be that the item is still pending.

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9 hours ago, April Manning said:

The Mayor announced the vote.  Then asked the attorney if they could discuss it and then re-vote.  The Village attorney said the only thing he could was table it.  What action should I take at the next Village Board Meeting? 

When the subject matter comes up again at the next meeting, if you are a member of the Village Board then you can raise a Point of Order that the item was decided at the last meeting and that re-voting is out of order.

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