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Waive vs. Amend ByLaws

Guest Miramar

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Question on Waivers: some members in our nonprofit want to waive the by-laws to allow someone to run for the board who does not meet all of the qualifications under the by-laws to run for the board. The by-laws don't have language on a waiver process. However, they do have a process for amending the by-laws (submit a proposed amendment with at least ten member signatories to the president, president disseminates the proposal to membership, membership votes at next meeting, majority vote needed for passage). Can we follow the amendment-process in order to waive the by-laws? Obviously we could just amend the by-laws to allow this person to run, but it seems silly to make an amendment for a one-time change. 

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Agreeing with my colleagues, I will just add that you could amend the bylaws either to eliminate whatever makes this person ineligible, or to inlcude some sort of waiver process (pershaps requiring something more than a majority vote). But either way, as Dr. Kapur said, the change will remain part of the bylaws until you amend them again to change them back.

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