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A motion is made and someone adds to it


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23 minutes ago, Victoria said:

At our BOD meeting the other night a board member made a motion and another board member added to the motion. It realty should have been 2 different motions.  Is this legal?  

Assuming what was added to the motion was germane (that is, relevant) to the first motion, it may be offered as an amendment to it. A motion to Amend requires a majority vote or unanimous consent for adoption.

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We don't give legal advice here, but if you mean was it parliamentarialy proper, we can't answer that either without knowing more details.

Certainly a main motion can be amended, which could include adding something to the motion. But the amendment must be germane. That is, it must relate in some way to the original motion. Whether a motion is germane sometimes is a judgment call, but if the chair is in doubt, the assembly can decide my majority vote.

(I see that Josh Martin has replied while I was typing, and I think we are sayimg essentially the same thing.)

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