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Handling of a Motion

Guest Antoinette K.

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Guest Antoinette K.

I would like some clarification on the handling of a main motion.  Who can make a motion and second a motion? More specifically, could the Chair be the appropriate person to do so? Does the Chair's ability to "assume" a motion come into play here or does that only apply to certain types of motions?

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24 minutes ago, Guest Antoinette K. said:

Who can make a motion and second a motion?

Any member other than the chair (in larger assemblies) and the parliamentarian (if there is one).

24 minutes ago, Guest Antoinette K. said:

More specifically, could the Chair be the appropriate person to do so?

No, unless this is a committee or a small board (generally, a board in which there are not more than about a dozen members present). It should also be noted that in such cases, a second is not required.

24 minutes ago, Guest Antoinette K. said:

Does the Chair's ability to "assume" a motion come into play here or does that only apply to certain types of motions?

I don't know what sort of motion you're talking about, so I don't know if the chair's ability to "assume" a motion comes into play here. It only applies to certain types of motions. Generally speaking, "The chair's ability to "assume" a motion that has not actually been made by another member exists to facilitate the business of the assembly, not to give the chair an opportunity to make a motion whose consideration he or she, as an individual member, believes would be desirable." See Official Interpretation 2007-1 for further explanation and several examples.

Edited by Josh Martin
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14 minutes ago, Antoinette K. said:

I reviewed the Official Interpretation 2007-1 you referenced above.  As a follow up, if the Chair were to assume a motion, in the appropriate scenario, would that motion need to be seconded?

No, because is effectively putting it before the assembly by stating the motion, without objection.

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