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Amend a motion


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Hi all,

The question is, we approved a motion to send a warning letter to a member, however, it has not been acted on as yet. More information has come to light since the motion was adopted. Do I need to rescind the motion and make a new motion or can I make a motion to amend a previously adopted motion. My amendment will be more than just a warning letter and will disqualify someone from competing in an event.

Thanks for your help

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Assuming what you want to do is germane to the motion, you can move to amend something previously adopted. It requires a 2/3 vote, or a majority vote with previous notice, or a majority of the entire membership voting in favor. Thus, you should, under most circumstances, give notice of your motion.

That said, while you say it hasn't been acted on yet, will it be acted upon prior to the next meeting?

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6 minutes ago, Simon said:

if the amendment fails does the original motion still stand?


2 hours ago, Simon said:

Sorry, the membership aren't voting it is an administrative action that is being taken by the board regarding a member who violated rules of the association

Does the board have authority to do so?

In any event, when I gave the rules for amend something previously adopted, "majority of the entire membership" means of the body that is voting. In this case, it's a majority of the entire membership of the board. If there are 12 people on the board, 7 must vote in favor to clear that threshold.

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