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Censure of Officer

Guest Janelle

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I am a sitting member of a board of directors  for a non profit organization.  Our elected president consistently cuts of other board members during discussions, is outwardly rude, and rarely conducts an organized manner let alone follow Roberts Rules.  She has received notification from board member on her behavior.  Can we censure her during our board meetings?

I am a novice when it comes to Roberts Rules.

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You may want to review "Remedies for Abuse of Authority by the Chair
in a Meeting" on pages 650-653. A motion to censure requires a majority vote. If you have the support of the rest of the board, you can Suspend the Rules to take away the president's authority to preside at the meeting; that requires a 2/3 vote and only applies for that meeting.

You could also advise her that she needs training in how to preside properly at a meeting.

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