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Vote determined to be incorrect. How to resolve?

Guest Steve Giovinco

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Guest Steve Giovinco


During a group meeting, a vote was taken. (Specifically, the vote revolved around a rules change, and needed a 2/3 majority.)

At the meeting, the vote did not pass.

However, after the meeting concluded, it was determined 2/3 majority WAS met (because obesentions were incorrectly counted).

How should this be resolved?

Should there be a recount?

Is an additional debate possible?


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48 minutes ago, Guest Steve Giovinco said:

How should this be resolved?

Should there be a recount?

Is an additional debate possible?

Dr. Kapur is correct.  It is too late now to do anything about it since the meeting is already over, but whatever motion you were voting on should be able to be renewed.... that is, made again... at the next meeting or at any subsequent meeting.  If it was the type motion that requires previous notice, such as a proposed bylaw amendment or amendment to the special rules of order, then make sure the proper notice is given just as if the motion had never been made before.  Whatever notice might have been given previously does not count.  New notice must be given (if it is the type motion requiring notice).  

Even if it is the type motion which does not require previous notice but for which the voting threshold is reduced if previous notice is given, such as a motion to amend or rescind something previously adopted, then giving previous notice would reduce the vote threshold from a two thirds vote to a majority vote unless your own rules provide to the contrary.  Since we don't know exactly what the motion was, it is hard to give specific advice.

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Guest Steve Giovinco
22 minutes ago, Richard Brown said:

Since we don't know exactly what the motion was, it is hard to give specific advice.

Thank you! The vote was for changing the by-laws. Specifically, someone made a motion to stop reading a piece of literature at the start, thereby modifying the meeting format.

In this case, 2/3 majority is required--with abstentions not counted--is that right?

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9 minutes ago, Guest Steve Giovinco said:

Thank you! The vote was for changing the by-laws. Specifically, someone made a motion to stop reading a piece of literature at the start, thereby modifying the meeting format.

In this case, 2/3 majority is required--with abstentions not counted--is that right?

Your bylaws should specify what is required for their amendment. We would need to see the exact wording on this subject.

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