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Grammatical Corrections to Bylaws

Guest Elaine

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My committee just conducted a review of our bylaws. We noticed grammatical mistakes, the use of the wrong word (requirement instead of retirement) and misspelled words. Can we make the corrections without taking these changes to the body for a vote? Does RR address this topic?

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11 minutes ago, Guest Elaine said:

My committee just conducted a review of our bylaws. We noticed grammatical mistakes, the use of the wrong word (requirement instead of retirement) and misspelled words. Can we make the corrections without taking these changes to the body for a vote? Does RR address this topic?

Any correction to the bylaws, no matter how minor, must be made through an amendment to the bylaws. There is no provision in RONR which provides an exception to the amendment process on the basis of grammatical mistakes, the use of the wrong word, or misspelled words.

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