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can a group of members call a meeting to oust BOD?

Barbara I.

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If a group decide to oust the current BOD, can they call a zoom meeting of the membership for the purpose of voting the BOD out? (13 members out of a total 250 members, to be held in 3-5 days from email message sent to all members of the non-profit group). And how do you explain to them that this is not really appropriate?

Thank you.

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Can they call the meeting? That depends on what your bylaws say about who can call a special meeting of the membership.

Can it be a zoom meeting? That depends on what your bylaws say about electronic meetings.

Assuming that the meeting is properly called, can the membership vote out the board of directors at that meeting? That depends on ... wait for it ... what your bylaws say about the directors' terms of office. It may be possible to just elect new directors or it may require formal disciplinary procedures.


Edited by Atul Kapur
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