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We have a small HOA board (9 members) plus the traditional standing committees.  If the Ways & Means committee recommends funding for an expenditure from a specific line item in the approved budget during a committee meeting, does that motion from the committee, which includes the recommendation, have to be read during the Board of Administration meeting, or can the Director who made the motion requesting an expenditure simply make his/her motion for the expenditure and include the funding recommendation that came from the Ways and Means Committee as part of the motion requesting the expenditure?

Example of the Original Maintenance Committee Motion - I Pam Miller, Chairperson of the Maintenance Committee, move that the committee approve the purchase of a new AC unit for the Clubhouse, with a cost not to exceed $10,000, pending Board approval, with funding recommendations to come from the Ways and Means committee.  Seconded by Joe Jones,  After discussion, the motion was approved unanimously.

Example of the following Ways and Means Committee Motion - I, John Doe, move that the Ways and Means Committee recommend funding for the purchase of a new AC unit for the Clubhouse as recommended by the Maintenance committee, with a cost not to exceed $10,000, come from the Reserve budget, line item Buildings and Associated Equipment.  Seconded by John Smith.  After discussion, the motion was approved unanimously.

Example of the subsequent Board of Administration Motion - I, Pam Miller, Chairperson of the Maintenance Committee, move that the Board of Administration approve the purchase of a new AC unit for the Clubhouse, with a cost not to exceed $10,000.  Funding to come from the Reserve budget, line item Buildings and Associated Equipment per the recommendation from the Ways and Means committee.  Seconded by Don Smith.  After discussion, the motion was approved unanimously.

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 I think all ways are possible.

Main points are that the person who makes emotion is member of the board. 

Maybe preferable is that the motion is made directly after the receiving of the report of the committee by a member from both the board and the committee who agrees with the Committee report. That way you do not need a second. (See RONR 51:10 till 51:12)




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