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How Statutes affect Bylaws


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In regards to a state statute "Removal of directors elected by members or directors" that says, B. If the articles of incorporation or bylaws do not provide a procedure for removal of a director from office: then 1, 2, 3.... apply

If there are no specific procedures listed in the Article of Incorporation or Bylaws to remove a director but the Bylaws do specify RONR as their parliamentary authority, would the procedures as stated in RONR be applicable or must one use the state statute?  

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1 hour ago, Tomm said:

In regards to a state statute "Removal of directors elected by members or directors" that says, B. If the articles of incorporation or bylaws do not provide a procedure for removal of a director from office: then 1, 2, 3.... apply

If there are no specific procedures listed in the Article of Incorporation or Bylaws to remove a director but the Bylaws do specify RONR as their parliamentary authority, would the procedures as stated in RONR be applicable or must one use the state statute?  

As a matter of parliamentary law, if a statute provides that the bylaws can provide otherwise, then inclusion of RONR as the parliamentary authority in the bylaws is sufficient to provide otherwise. See RONR, 12th ed., 45:71, 56:49n1.

Ultimately, however, whether this is correct as a matter of law in regard to a particular state statute is a legal question which should be directed to an attorney.

Edited by Josh Martin
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On 8/18/2021 at 9:56 AM, Josh Martin said:

As a matter of parliamentary law, if a statute provides that the bylaws can provide otherwise, then inclusion of RONR as the parliamentary authority in the bylaws is sufficient to provide otherwise. See RONR, 12th ed., 45:71, 56:49n1.

That's an excellent answer and one I was hoping for but I'm up against a very tough board!

It's not my intention to look a gift horse in the mouth, but would you happen to know of any case law that would support your statement?

Extremely grateful for this forum! 

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2 hours ago, Tomm said:

That's an excellent answer and one I was hoping for but I'm up against a very tough board!

It's not my intention to look a gift horse in the mouth, but would you happen to know of any case law that would support your statement?

Extremely grateful for this forum! 

I must reiterate that my statement merely takes a position on this issue as a matter of parliamentary law. I am not attempting to guess at what the correct answer to this question is as a matter of law.

Notwithstanding this, a more thorough discussion of this topic can be found in this thread, in which Mr. Honemann provided citations to some relevant cases.

Edited by Josh Martin
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