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Modifying a Motion

Guest Larry R

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A motion has been made and seconded. Another person wants to modify the original motion. When is that done (before the question is called or during the question period), is a second required for the modification. I assume the modification requires a vote before voting on the original motion.

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On 3/10/2022 at 11:51 AM, Guest Larry R said:

A motion has been made and seconded. Another person wants to modify the original motion. When is that done (before the question is called or during the question period), is a second required for the modification. I assume the modification requires a vote before voting on the original motion.

It depends on whether the chair has stated the question on the motion.

Before a motion has been stated by the chair, it is the property of its mover, who can withdraw it or modify it without asking the consent of anyone. Thus, in the brief interval between the making of a motion and the time when the chair places it before the assembly by stating it, … another member can ask if the maker of the motion is willing to withdraw it or accept a change in it, which suggestion the maker can either accept or reject. In such a case the chair either announces, “The motion has been withdrawn,” or states the question on the modified motion. (RONR (12th ed.) 33:12, italics omitted)

See also the answer to FAQ 8 at https://robertsrules.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faqs

If the chair has already stated the question on the original motion (or if the maker of the motion refuses to modify it before it has been stated), and if there is any objection to a unanimous-consent request for the modification if such a request is made, or if no such request is made, then a member must obtain the floor during the debate, make a motion to amend (specifying exactly what change should be made, including its exact wording and placement within the original motion), and the motion to Amend requires a second.

After being stated by the chair, the motion to Amend becomes the immediately pending motion, which is debated and voted on. After the amendment is voted on, the main motion (as amended, if the amendment was adopted) again becomes pending for further debate and a vote.

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