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Does a approved town meeting article become stale if not effected until 37 years later

Guest RCL

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I purchased a property that I believed was land locked.  After some research in my local town hall I was able to find a town meeting where the dirt road that allows for frontage was part of a 1985 town meeting article that passed.  The article allows for the owner of my land to take town property and to improve the road to current standards and then gift the improved road back to the town.  The article only comes effective once the selectmen record at the registry.  

My question is: Does a approved article at a town meeting become stale? The town just recorded it and there are some claiming the town meeting approval is stale?

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Your question is one about the town ordinances and not about RONR. You will need to contact an attorney knowledgeable of the ordinances and any applicable state laws.

So far as RONR is concerned, and adopted motion remains in effect until it is fully executed or rescinded. But that may or may not be true of the ordinance in question.

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