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I have zero idea where else to ask and reach a mass of Parliamentarians.

Is there any organization or group that offers any sort of mentorship/apprenticeship? 

I’m currently still working through my course online at University of Wisconsin, but it’s dry and hard to understand. I’m also learning to build the plans as I fly it by serving as a parliamentarian on my local political executive committee.

Is there any experienced Parliamentarian who wouldn’t mind being a mentor? 

thank you for consideration,


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On 10/19/2022 at 10:01 PM, VeriTx said:

Is there any organization or group that offers any sort of mentorship/apprenticeship? 

Yes, both the national Association of parliamentarians (NAP) and the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP) provide training for aspiring parliamentarians. They don’t have apprenticeship or mentoring programs as such, but you can almost certainly meet other parliamentarians and find someone who would be a mentor through one or both of those organizations.

NAP is the larger of the two organizations and has local units in many cities around The country as well as a state association in every state (or almost every state). The NAP website, in particular, provides a wealth of information And links to the state associations and many local units. Click on “NAP in my area” on the homepage of the website

Both organizations also have virtual units that you can join and participate in meetings and training virtually. if you’re fortunate enough to live in or near a city which has an NAP local unit, that can serve  as an excellent starting point for furthering your parliamentary education and finding a mentor.

The staff at NAP is very helpful. The phone number is listed on the website. The officers and board members at AIP are likewise very eager to help aspiring parliamentarians.

The NAP website is www.parliamentarians.org. The AIP website is AIPparl.org. 

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