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Standing Rules


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Assuming that you are using the term the same way that it is defined in RONR, 


Standing rules, as understood in this book except in the case of conventions, are rules (1) which are related to the details of the administration of a society rather than to parliamentary procedure, and (2) which can be adopted or changed upon the same conditions as any ordinary act of the society. An example of such a rule might be one setting the hour at which meetings are to begin, or one relating to the maintenance of a guest register.   2:23

Then they are adopted as any other motion would be, by majority vote, as long as there is not already a motion/rule in place that is affected by your proposed rule.


A standing rule can be adopted by a majority vote without previous notice, provided that it does not conflict with or amend any existing rule or act of the society.   

Later in 2:23

See 2:23-2:24 for more details.

If you are referring to any thing related to parliamentary procedure, the term for that is a special rule of order, and you should look at 2:12 - 2:22 for details about those.

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On 2/7/2024 at 5:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

I want to create some standing rules for my organization.  Is there a procedure to establish these standing rules?  Do they just need to be voted on by the executive committee?  The bylaws do not establish a procedure for creating standing rules.

Since the Membership is the highest ranking body, the membership can establish rules for the executive committee, but not the other way around.  Any standing rules governing the membership would have to be moved and adopted in a meeting of the membership.

Be careful to distinguish between Standing Rules and Special Rules of Order, since the rules for adoption are different.

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