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HOA annual meeting & elections

Guest Ali D

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Hi everyone! 
I serve as the Secretary/Treasurer for our 73 home HOA. After the nearly 40+ years of laid  back, non dramatic, zero violation giving, $100  per year atmosphere we’ve lived in, there are approx 3 newcomers (within last 2 years) who have decided they want to stir things up. Not only are they begging that we hire a management company, but they want to call every public utility dept at their disposal as often as possible, as well as, commit libel and slander by going door to door AND posting on our private social media group that my finance and i (my fiancé is the president) are committing financial fraud and “stealing a lot of money”! No, we have not stolen a dime from our HOA, to be honest, after we pay our landscaper, insurance, water bill, post office box and buy office supplies, we are lucky if we have $500 left over. Yes, that left over money built up for a few years but over last 2 years we have built aerators/fountains for a pond  and had a block party, so we spent our “leftover” money. So we have our annual meeting this coming weekend and while we will be having elections for our board of directors, we do not vote for officers until the first board meeting. This means myself, my fiance and our VP will remain in office through this upcoming meeting and at least until the first board of directors meeting, correct?

 My main question is: at what point in our meeting must we call for the elections? We were hoping to wait until the end bc our current board had already decided by majority vote against the management company. If we get new board members at beginning of meeting, they could vote it in, right!! We just want to keep things as close to the same as possible and most other members do as well. 
thanks in advance for your time and I look forward to hearing from you all!!

p.s. I’ve included our by laws as an attachment to this topic if needed

By laws.gdoc

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The bylaws don't specify when during the annual meeting the election must be held, so I think it could be scheduled at any point the membership wants.

But you get new board members they can't vote at the annual meeting anyway because it's not a board meeting and they're not in session.  

The bylaws are somewhat ambiguous about when the terms of the current board end, but it would have to be before the convening of the first board meeting after the annual meeting.  I think it's reasonable to assume that the terms end at the end of the annual meeting, but it's far from clear.  Furthermore, the bylaws specify that the secretary will be the recording officer at membership meetings, but there is no mention of who presides over membership meetings.   In most societies it is the President, but apparently not in yours?

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