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Suspending the Rules

Guest Grace

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On 5/2/2024 at 9:54 PM, Guest Grace said:

If a bylaw contains several elements, can the rules be suspended for just one of the elements? Or, does suspending the rules apply to the entire bylaw?

In general, provisions in the bylaws cannot be suspended. (The exceptions are if the bylaws themselves allow the suspension, and provisions that are clearly in the nature of rules of order.)

Also in general, a motion to suspend the rules specifies the particular purpose to be accomplished by the suspension. It does not simply suspend a particular rule altogether.

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On 5/2/2024 at 8:54 PM, Guest Grace said:

If a bylaw contains several elements, can the rules be suspended for just one of the elements? Or, does suspending the rules apply to the entire bylaw?

Could you provide more specific details of what exactly the rule in question is and what exactly the society desires to accomplish by suspending the rules in this matter?

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