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Guest Robert B. Fish

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Guest Robert B. Fish

The nominating committee should follow the instructions given them by the assembly. Usually that involves nominating one candidate for each open position. Just providing a list of everyone who wants to run hardly seems much help to the assembly, IMO.

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>>Can a nominating committee produce a slate where all potential candidates are listed rather than just one for each position?<<

RONR does not prohibit the nominating committee from nominating more than one candidate for each office, "

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Kenneth R. Pease

If by-laws do not stipulate, even though past practice has been one nominee per position (single-slate), can a nominating committee submit a multi-slate with more than one candidate for some but not all positions?"

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Guest H.Wm.Mountcastle

As noted several weeks ago, it's not prohibited but not typical.

And the term "slate" should be avoided lest it lead some to thing they must vote for the "slate" in its entirety. Or, as you may be suggesting, that the only way"

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