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Replacement of a Board Member

Guest Robert B. Fish

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I'm a member of this club and board also. I was thinking that one of you would ask something like that. I got me thinking, if it is a pre-arranged meeting of the board with a date, time and location set, wouldn't that make it a 'special meeting' since i"

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Guest H.Wm.Mountcastle

>>wouldn't that make it a 'special meeting'<<

Not necessarily.

And since special meetings are called to deal with something that can't wait until the next regular meeting, what couldn't wait until later that same day?"

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>> well, so far, this meeting is being planned for after the other meeting.<<

Reason being is that our meetings are being held in conjunction with other functions that we have no control over the time frame. So we are trying to fit t"

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I guess I'm trying to figure that out too. Technically, by RR's there are only regular board meetings and special board meetings, correct? I have already asked if this informal meeting fell under the special meeting area and was told no. So then, it mus"

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Guest Gary c Tesser

If it's just for discussion, with no business done, parliamentary procedure will not apply. It's equivalent to a bunch of friends having a discussion -- come to think of it, that's what it may actually be. You might want to conduct it in a park or a bar"

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> would it be proper not to allow the new member of the board to attend this gathering? <

If it's not a meeting in the parliamentary sense (no business conducted, no organizational decisions made), but just some of the members gathering to "

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Well, new bases are uncovered so to speak. The informal gathering that has been discussed in this thread is set for this weekend. However, a member has come forward and filed a formal complaint against the board member we were to be meeting with informa"

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>>Is there some procedure in RR that would rescind or whatever word would be used to undo/cancel the vote that was taken to have the informal meeting of which there shouldn't have been a vote on?<<

Yes, the board could rescind the mot"

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Guest H.Wm.Mountcastle

>>We are having a regular board meeting before the informal meeting<<

This gathering should not be referred to as an "informal meeting". If it's not a regular meeting and not a special meeting then, as far as RONR is concern"

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Guest Gary c Tesser

Also keep in mind the danger going overboard. A few weeks ago, someone phoned to invite me to lunch with some friends, mentioning the restaurant at which they'd be *_meeting_*, and I had to clamp my mouth shut."

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