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Amending a By-law affects another

Guest Robert B. Fish

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Guest Robert B. Fish

It seems the proposed amendment has been poorly drafted. (The bylaws committee should have dealt with this problem.) You should not adopt an amendment to your bylaws that would leave two sections conflicting with each other.

You have several op"

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Thank you Bob...this really helps. I will pass on the information to our President. The reason we want to amend this By-law is to be able to run with a minimum of 4 directors but no more than 9 as we are often scrambling to get enough Members to run for"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The proposed amendment should be written so that it amends any and all areas of the bylaws that are affected by the issue. If there's not time to do that before the AGM, then you need to prepare a second amendment that can be proposed from the floor at t"

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