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Abandon meetings

Guest Gary C

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The same 2 Board members stormed out of 2 consecutive Board meetings disrupting Club business and upsetting the balance of the Board. If you were President of the Board what would you do? Thanks Gary

What does this serious-sounding but imprecise language mean? Was the assembly without quorum after they departed? If not, just continue with the business of the meeting.

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What do I think should be done? Extensive efforts for discussion, which have have failed. Board acknowledgement by vote of 2 significant By Law infractions. Proposed By Law amendments to address 5 Standards of Conduct involved which was taken as offensive by the same 2 who abandoned the meetings. So in my mind the action required is a motion to suspend from the Board based on conduct injurious to the organizationuntil a hearing can be arranged.

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What do I think should be done? Extensive efforts for discussion, which have have failed. Board acknowledgement by vote of 2 significant By Law infractions. Proposed By Law amendments to address 5 Standards of Conduct involved which was taken as offensive by the same 2 who abandoned the meetings. So in my mind the action required is a motion to suspend from the Board based on conduct injurious to the organizationuntil a hearing can be arranged.

Then read Ch. XX of RONR thoroughly before proceeding.

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What does this serious-sounding but imprecise language mean? Was the assembly without quorum after they departed? If not, just continue with the business of the meeting.

This would be my answer as well, and if there were any actual injurious misconduct in this "serious-sounding" behavior, I would probably move to include it in a report to the governing body.

[from now on, I'm going to have Trina write all of my opinions and think all of my thoughts for me. ;) ]

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