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Motions becoming By-Laws


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Our organization is a somewhat informal gardener's group, but we have our own issues of cooperation like any group. Hence, we have our main By-Laws that govern all groups under this City sponsored program and we have our individual group by-laws that our members develop which apply only to our own group. My question concerns our own group by-laws.

Question is: Do all motions that are voted and accepted by members become a by-law? Or, what is the proper procedure?

Most motions brought forth at meetings are stated in a general form to regulate a process or behavior. For example, a motion was made, seconded, and voted in favor by membership as follows: "I move that our club utilize Robert's Rules of Order to conduct club business." Stated in this way, does it automatically get added to our by-laws? Or, does the motion have to specifically say that the ruling is added to the by-laws?

I believe in the past 15 years the club didn't formally rewrite by-laws and simply tried to commit decisions to memory. A couple of years ago by-laws were written up but not updated since (the tendency to not formalized crept back) even though a number of motions were made and accepted.

Follow on question: How do we resolve all the prior motions?

Thanks! :)

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Question is: Do all motions that are voted and accepted by members become a by-law? Or, what is the proper procedure?

Follow on question: How do we resolve all the prior motions?

#1: No. The bylaws are the most basic rules governing your organization and are more difficult to change than other rules. To become part of your bylaws, a proposed rule must follow the steps in your bylaws for amending them. That typically includes notice and a 2/3 vote.

Further, the motion must state that it is an amendment to the bylaws. Otherwise, it's just a main motion and may be changed at any time.

That said, any main motion passed at any time remains in effect until it is rescinded or completed.

I recommend that, in addition to publishing your bylaws to the membership, you also gather the rules passed and include them in a separate list.

The vote required to amend/rescind something previously adopted is 2/3 vote without notice, majority vote with notice, or a majority of the entire membership, unless the bylaws say otherwise.


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