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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Motion Introduction

Guest dd166

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Can a former board member who has the right to attend board meetings in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges introduce a motion?

As far as RONR is concerned, only members (of the body that is meeting) have a right to attend, speak in debate, and vote at meetings. Non-members may be invited to attend but this doesn't give them the right to participate.

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Thanks for your response. If our by laws state: "Advisory Directors are entitled to attend meetings of the Board and have a voice in the affairs of the organization, but not a vote." does Robert's Rules ever overrule an organization by law?

No, it's the other way around. Bylaws overrule RONR. What your organization needs to do is interpret your bylaws (which is beyond the scope of this forum) to determine what having "voice" means. Does it mean only speaking in debate? Does it mean also being able to make motions? See pages 570-573 in RONR (10th Ed.) for some help with that.

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