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Posts posted by jstackpo

  1. Lorleen:

    Be careful what you wish for -- depending on what sort of organization you are in, emergencies can pop up between the time the agenda items are specified and the time of the meeting when emergency action could otherwise be taken.

    Also, just WHO is going to decide what items go on the agenda?  Is there any mechanism for membership review before the agenda is concreteized? Can the agenda writer (the president, perhaps) exercise a veto of member's wishes?  Any appeal?  To whom?  How? 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Joshua Katz said:

    Am I the only one missing the term limit in the paraphrase of the term of office?

    Don't think so, but the exact bylaw provision might contain the magic "or until..." phrase which would keep the sitting president in office past is/her allotted two years.  So we should look at the bylaw provision before answering the OP's question definitively.

  3. 1 hour ago, Guest Mike W. said:

    "All officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the annual meeting of the association and shall hold office for a specified period of time." " For the inaugural term of the new SLFFA Association the president will serve a 3 year term (2016 - 2018)." 

    Who "specifies" what the term is to be after 2018?   

    Given what you have told us so far, he, the person elected in 2016, is out of office.  Get cracking on a new election! ASAP.

  4. The rule would be adopted by the group that wants to hear what the deacon has to say.

    I am presuming that a "session" is equivalent to a Board of Directors in a secular association.  

    But for my own information, isn't a "Deacon" a member of the Board/Session?  And hence has a member's right to speak? Or is there another sub-group involved?

  5. 18 minutes ago, mjhmjh said:

    Does this mean a member could give notice of an amendment the day of a meeting or the day before a meeting and still fulfill the notice requirement?

    Well, the member could try, but I doubt that he/she would get away with it, because...

    18 minutes ago, mjhmjh said:

    Would another member be justified in raising a point of order against the consideration of such an amendment?

    I would certainly raise such a point because of inadequate notice -- the day before is hardly a "reasonable" time in advance.  But the final decision would rest with the membership present, via the chair's ruling and an appeal to the membership  See pages 247 - 260.  Happy reading!

  6. 24 minutes ago, Guest Mari said:

    Just to be sure:  the motions made and passed by the board of directors cannot be changed in format when presented to the membership for the final vote. The motions must be published as written by the board of directors.  


    Yes, but...   presuming the motions are in effect recommendations to the full membership for inclusion in your association's standing or special rules, the membership is free to make whatever amendments to the rules they are of a mind to (or other things, like referring them back to the Board for "improvements"), by majority vote, prior to adopting the motions in whole or in part.  That is, if your associations has no rules to the contrary.

  7. 1 hour ago, Guest CJ Webb said:

    There is absolutely nothing written about this in our By-Laws in regards to a vote, disciplinary actions, removal process or anything else. 
    Unfortunately there is nothing in our by-laws to revert back to. 


    21 minutes ago, Guest CJ Webb said:

    A director may be removed when sufficient cause exists for such removal. The Board of Directors may entertain charges against any director. A director may be represented by counsel upon any removal hearing. The Board of Directors shall adopt such rules as it may in its discretion consider necessary for the best interest of the organization, for this hearing. 

    Assuming the second quote is from your (CJ's) bylaws, that doesn't look like "nothing written". 

    Since you  have some "removal" rules, the question of the director getting to vote on his/her own removal is a rule for you to decide upon.

  8. Clearly, in you other thread,  Dean Don Dan has it right -- no motions in the "I&I" portion of the meeting.

    However, unless your group has some very unusual provisions, you can introduce and make your "Budget Process" motion in "New Business"  --  that is what the heading is for.

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