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Atul Kapur

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Everything posted by Atul Kapur

  1. The main motion is voted on, no matter what happens to the secondary and then the primary amendment. If the primary amendment is adopted, then you vote on the main motion as adopted. Someone may hate the main motion. They may vote for the amendment, thinking that it makes the main motion less bad, but still dislike the main motion, as amended, enough to vote against it.
  2. It is up to the organization to interpret them if there is any ambiguity. RONR may not define attendance but the english language does: If apologies count as attendance, then I have attended the gym every day for the last five years. I agree that, if the organization wants apologies to have a particular status, they should make it explicit.
  3. Present = Abstain It doesn't count at all, except to show that the person was present. Guest Paul, this forum prefers that you ask a new question as a new topic, rather than tacking it on to a topic that seems related.
  4. My question, Mr. Honemann, is about the election and the assumption of office. Assume that the assembly elected the new officers at the May 6 meeting (Guest Marlene41's wording is not clear but let's go with my assumption). The election cannot be ratified. Can the individuals' assumption of office on July 1 be ratified? They weren't officers when they took that action.
  5. Well, more like an urgent care clinic than an emergency department, I'd say. đŸ™‚ But where the analogy to medicine does work is found in Sir William Osler's quote, "He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all." Read. Learn from others, including this forum but also the organizations Mr. Brown has mentioned. Live it and Practice it.
  6. No, this is not a rule of order. The definition of Rules of Order is found on p. 15, lines 9-11: "Such rules relate to the orderly transaction of business in meetings and to the duties of officers in that connection." (Emphasis added) This rule is not about what goes on in or during a meeting. The section on Suspend the Rules reinforces this. "The object of this motion [Suspend the Rules] is to suspend one or more rules applicable to the assembly . . . that interfere with proposed action during a meeting." (RONR 11th ed., p. 261, lines 22-26. Emphasis added) and, on p. 264, lines 29-30: "Rules that have their application outside of the session which is in progress cannot be suspended." Unless you have a session that runs the entire 45 days, it cannot be suspended.
  7. Not wanting to make any assumptions, what exactly do your bylaws say about the Immediate Past President?
  8. Your quotation refers to the situation where a report from a committee or board makes a recommendation but the person presenting the report doesn't make the motion to implement the recommendation. (RONR 11th ed., p. 507) The need for the assembly to be accustomed to the method is not mentioned in other places that discuss assumed motions. More generally, on p. 54, you will find that "In cases where there seems to be no opposition in routine business or on questions of little importance, time can often be saved by the procedure of unanimous consent . . . . to take action without even the formality of a motion." (emphasis added) So, for example, the chair may say, "If there is no objection to adopting the agenda [pause] the agenda is adopted." For adjournment, p. 241, lines 9-15 may be helpful
  9. Or hire a non-member professional parliamentarian.
  10. It appears that you have rules that are different from or that supersede RONR. RONR states that you cannot require a member to abstain from voting, much less recuse themselves from the meeting during a vote. Assuming you do have such a rule, that really only applies to the voting or to the discussion prior to the voting. Once the decision has been made, why wouldn't the member be allowed to receive the minutes and know what the decision was? If the member was absent from the meeting for some other reason, illness for example, wouldn't they still receive the minutes? If the objection is that the member would read about who said what specifically during debate on that topic, then your problem is that you're putting too much in the minutes.
  11. Bylaws are superior to RONR. The standard language recommended by RONR states that it applies when it does not conflict with the bylaws and special rules of order, which also outrank it in the hierarchy of rules. Now, if you put in place something that RONR doesn't advise, such as voting by email, then you are responsible for working out and, preferably, writing down every detail of how that works including all contingencies.
  12. Well, a solution to that is to have the interpretation recorded in the minutes so that it can be cited as a precedent the next time it happens. That way, if they want to interpret it a different way the next time, then it will at least be a purposeful decision. The way this gets recorded in the minutes is to raise a Point of Order. The chair's ruling should be recorded (RONR 11th ed., p. 470, lines 15-18).
  13. The way it is written, that the member who has been deemed to resign may be reappointed to the same position, is consistent with this part of the second paragraph
  14. The logic thread is as follows: Motion to Reconsider "suspends" the action that is to be reconsidered: the election of the president. Even if the motion was improper to begin with and should have been ruled out of order at the time (because the election was final and took effect), because no Point of Order was made in a timely manner, the election result is suspended (there may be some on this forum who will argue this point, I'm accepting it for the purpose of this discussion). There are limits on how long the suspension can last. In this case, it lasts until the next regular meeting is adjourned. The next regular meeting was March 5. When that meeting adjourned, unless the motion to Reconsider had been dealt with and was adopted, the suspension ended and the election was final. If the board conducted the second election after that, then it was an error and, importantly, one that created a continuing breach (electing someone to a position that was already filled). Therefore, at the next meeting of the executive board, and board member can raise a Point of Order that the second election was improper, that it is null and void, and that the results of the first election stand.
  15. If the March 5 meeting was a regular meeting, the suspending effect of the (improper) motion to Reconsider ended when the March 5 meeting adjourned (RONR 11th ed., p. 321, lines 15-19). If the second election happened after that, then the error of the second election can be corrected at a board meeting, as we've discussed earlier.
  16. What do your bylaws say, exactly, about the President-Elect? ["second verse, same as the first"]
  17. Now I'm confused again. Let me be very specific. What month was the general student body meeting where the election occurred? What month was the general student body meeting where the motion to Reconsider was made? Was there another regular meeting of the general student body after the one where the motion to Reconsider was made? If so, what month was that meeting held? If not, what month was it scheduled to be held?
  18. Because you specify that this is an HOA, I will advise you to check the laws that apply to your HOA. Mr. Martin is correct about RONR, unsurprisingly, but it is common for the law on corporations -- and, perhaps, HOAs -- to say something different.
  19. There may still be a way out of this. When was the next regular meeting of the general student body scheduled? If it was scheduled more than a "quarterly interval" in time ahead (for example, if it only meets once a year), then the suspending effect of the (improper) motion to Reconsider ended when the meeting did (because it does not sound like you had set an adjourned or continuing meeting). In that case, the election was final when the meeting of the general student body ended. And we go back to being able to raise a point of order about the Executive Board's improper second election. To answer this question we need to know what month the general student body meeting was held (Spring Break is different for different areas of the continent) and what month the next regular general student body meeting was scheduled to occur.
  20. So the first election was final immediately after the results were announced and the chair declared the candidate elected as president. So the motion to Reconsider was improper from the start and should have been ruled out of order for that reason alone. The person who was elected at the first election is your president. That means that the second election is null and void. It does not matter when it done (the same day as the first election or a week later). It also does not matter who held the second election (the general student body meeting or the executive board). However, there may be a solution, depending on the circumstances. If it was the executive board that held the second election, then that is where the error was made and that is where the Point of Order should be raised. In that case: At a meeting of the executive board, a member (of the board) raises a point of order that the second election was improper and constitutes a continuing breach because it was in conflict with a previous valid election for the same term (that is, it's in conflict with the first election). The chair of the board meeting will rule. If you disagree with the ruling, then Appeal it.
  21. An election, once final, cannot be reconsidered. "After an election has become final as stated in this paragraph, it is too late to reconsider (37) the vote on the election." (p. 444, lines 25-27) The OP has not given us enough information to know whether the initial election was final. So, Guest Anonymous, was the candidate who won the first election present when the results were announced (and did not decline) or, if absent, had they consented to their candidacy prior? If either of those is true, then I agree with Mr. Martin's response. If neither were true, then the motion to Reconsider may have been in order, but we would need more details to be certain.
  22. To reinforce Mr. Martin's post above, here is a similar answer from a thread three years ago (which I was researching while Mr. Martin wrote his answer above).
  23. Yes, that is what RONR says. But your Municipal Code can say something different, in which case you need to follow your Code.
  24. It may be. The governing documents can deny any right(s) as the organization feels appropriate. Does the Municipal Code explicitly say that the public member is non-voting or just that they are ex officio? It is sometimes incorrectly assumed that ex officio automatically means non-voting. Also, it's unclear from your post what office the public member holds that makes them automatically a member of the committee.
  25. If they are, as Mr. Elsman says, operating using unanimous consent, that's fine. As long as the members know that they have alternatives and that they do not have to do it that way.
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