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Gary c Tesser

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Posts posted by Gary c Tesser

  1. 6 minutes ago, George Mervosh said:

    So notice to the fill the vacant Treasurer's position was not required (p. 468, ll. 4-8)?  I'm not sure their rules "clearly provide otherwise". This might be a bylaw interpretation question, as it often is around here.

    Nuts, George, there was something else niggling at me, but I didn't catch it.

    (How would this be a bylaws question?)

  2. Chris, I see it a little differently:  given the bylaws' language, the current treasurer cannot become a committee chair, regardless of whether it happens now or New Year's or President Trump's Birthday (June 14 -- you could look it up).  He would first have to resign, be removed, or eaten by a crocodile (personally I'd vote for #3 for this guy; he is a cad).

    But if it looks like everybody is on board with the change (the current treasurer -- oh, let's call him Ivanka -- ceases to be the treasurer and becomes the committee chair instead; while Mr T -- let's call him Donald Jr -- becomes the treasurer), except for mmpullen and I don't see why either,

    Also, mmpullen, I don't think it can be a breach at all ... yet:  it's worrisome, I'll grant you, but right now, and until March 1, nothing has changed.

  3. On 1/15/2017 at 6:37 PM, Shmuel Gerber said:

    It might get you further if you didn't keep misspelling "premier". :)

    On 1/21/2017 at 10:02 PM, Attajb said:


    After a week, that's what's on your mind??!?  My arguable misspelling??

    What about those resignations and purported resindignations, if that's a word, or either way a possible deed, or whatnot?

    (Now I fear arousing Shmuel Gerber's indignant resindignation.)

    (You know, he's a dagnab Moderator, he should dagnab well be able to tell the software to stop signalling "Shmuel" and "Gerber" as misspellings.  Unlike the dubious and perhaps contentions or arguably despicable "premiere" alleged misspelling.  And I got other thintw to gripe about, and I hope Chris H is enjoying it -- or revelling in it, I forget which is which, wherever he is, I can't keep track any more, not to mention that insufferably peregrinating Josh who used to just be somewhere in Minnesota, then somehow got to be in incomprehensibly MIdwest Brooklyn and then meandered offwhere.  Dammit you people please keep stuck somewheres.  I got enough trouble trying to remember that RONR 11 purports to have differences from RONR 10 aside from what we on the world's premier [sid] Internet parliamentary forum were yammering at them about for ten years or so.

    (But at least we got Donald Trump elected president of the US.  So everything'sgoing to be fin now.)

  4. 6 hours ago, keefe said:


    Yes it came from the same place.  I have a Surface Pro 4 so it doesn't have a CD Drive.  I reached out to American Legal and they graciously provided a download link for me to use.

    I do also have the paperback as well as In Brief and one other laminated pamphlet but it is much easier to have it all on my pc than to always carry the books with me.  I do find reading it from the book to be easier though.  I am sure I will really like the software once I get used to it and the features.


    6 hours ago, keefe said:


    They were great.  It took no time for them to provide the link, very fast.


    John, do you have any idea what these fershluggener under-fifties are talking about?

  5. On 1/11/2017 at 10:35 PM, Godelfan said:

    You could conduct the election using blockchain technology


    On 1/11/2017 at 10:52 PM, Richard Brown said:

    What is "blockchain technology"?


    On 1/12/2017 at 0:08 AM, Richard Brown said:

    I still don't have a clue what this block chain stuff is o

    Never mind, Rich; Godelfan is probably twelve or so, so we'll never have a clue.  Now I feel older than when that new guy (complimentarily!) called us a bunch of old mosquitoes a coupla hours or days ago.

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