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Remaining Silent

Guest Baldwintwp

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We have a 5 member board. When 2 members remain silent during a vote and 2 others voting yes and the chair voting no and the chair claiming the motion carries do the silent votes constitute a yes, no or abstention?

2 Yes, 1 No. The motion apparently carries. It passes the test for a majority, or for a 2/3 vote, so unless you know something you haven't told us, the chair was right.

There is no such thing as a silent vote. Those people did not vote. They abstained from the voting process. Abstentions are not votes of any kind, and should be neither called for nor counted.

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But it isn't a tie....2 people voted in favor, 1 person voted against and 2 people didn't vote at all.

Your motion passed, unless you have a rule that requires the vote to be based on the members present or the entire membership. In any event, since the chair's announcement was not contested at the time, it stands.

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Do the two silent members count as being in attendance with respect to the 2/3 rule

There is no "2/3 rule" with respect to attendance.

They count as being in attendance for the purposes of establishing a quorum. They do not count as voting, because they didn't. So in any voting rule that counts "those present and voting" They don't count.

They're present, but they're not voting.

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