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Nullifying a motion that was previously passed

Guest Paul B

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We have a board of 7 members.  One member was only able to participate in the first hour of the board meeting by phone, and then had to leave.  The other 6 members were present.We had a motion on a topic, which was moved, seconded, discussion followed and we voted on the motion.The vote on the Motion was 3 members for, 2 members against, and one abstaining.  The motion carried.The President, and the 2 members who voted against, and the one member who had to leave the meeting, believe that the vote should be nullified because the member who left the meeting did not vote on the motion.The President is planning to make a motion to nullify and void the vote because we did not have 100% of the board members vote on it. Our bylaws state that a motion passes with a simple majority.What does it take for the board to nullify a prior motion that was passed?Thank you

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What does it take for the board to nullify a prior motion that was passed?

You can't "nullify" a motion just because you weren't there or didn't like the outcome.

What you can do is make a motion to rescind (or otherwise amend) the adopted motion. It takes a two-thirds vote, the vote of a majority of the (entire) membership (of the board), or, with previous notice, a majority vote.

And it may be time to start looking for a more knowledgeable president.

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