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Continuation of Membership Meeting

Guest Leone Jensvold

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Guest Leone Jensvold

We had a scheduled membership meeting for March 10 and were short 3 members for a quorum. The meeting is to be continued and will be held April 5. Dues had to be paid no later than 7 days prior to the March meeting, proxies given at the March meeting will be honored at the April meeting. New members have paid their dues since the March meeting and are now asking for proxies. Is this possible or not?

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Is this possible or not?

As far as RONR is concerned, being in arrears (i.e. non-payment of dues) has no effect on membership rights. And RONR does not support the use of proxies so I'm afraid you're on your own there as well.

In RONR-Land, a two-minute member is as much a member as a twenty-year member.

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We had a scheduled membership meeting for March 10 and were short 3 members for a quorum. The meeting is to be continued and will be held April 5. Dues had to be paid no later than 7 days prior to the March meeting, proxies given at the March meeting will be honored at the April meeting. New members have paid their dues since the March meeting and are now asking for proxies. Is this possible or not?

RONR prohibits proxy voting to the maximum extent possible under the laws of your jurisdiction. Therefore, proxy voting, and all the rules of order which support it, must be found in your bylaws. Nothing in RONR covers your situation.

Also, according to RONR, being in arrears on dues has no effect on voting rights, so if such rules exist in your society, they must be in your bylaws, not in RONR.

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