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Informal Board Meeting

Guest Lee

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Are minutes taken at an informal Board meeting? Would the previous meeting's minutes be approved at an informal Board meeting?

Minutes are taken at all meetings. There is no such thing in RONR-Land as an "informal" meeting (though meetings of small boards are often conducted under "relaxed" rules).

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Are minutes taken at an informal Board meeting? Would the previous meeting's minutes be approved at an informal Board meeting?

What does "informal" mean to you? Was there an actual meeting held, with business conducted (motions, debate and votes, oh my)? Or was this just a bunch of people (who happen to belong to the board) gathering in the same place at the same time and talking stuff? Was everyone in jeans and polo shirts?

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Are minutes taken at an informal Board meeting?

Would the previous meeting's minutes be approved at an informal Board meeting?

What do you mean?

What is the difference between (a.) an "informal" board meeting; vs. (b.) a "formal" board meeting?

Is #a or #b any different from (c.) "a board meeting"?

Is this a spontaneous (uncalled) meeting?

Is this a BBQ or a cocktail party or a ball game, where the board just happens to be present?

Would the previous meeting's minutes be approved at an informal Board meeting?


Minutes approval is serious business.

There cannot be any lack of quorum, lack of notice, lack of call-to-meeting, where official business is transacted.

Just as you would not amend your bylaws at an informal meeting.

It's serious business. It is official business. There can be nothing informal about records of an organization, like minutes.

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For those of you who took the time to give me a serious answer, I thank you.

My last question notwithstanding, my response was serious. I was simply trying to determine what differentiates an "informal" meeting from a "formal" one. And as I still don't know the answer to that, it's hard to say whether minutes should be taken, or previous minutes approved, at such a meeting.

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For those of you who took the time to give me a serious answer, I thank you.

Lee, while I realize it's often difficult to determine this on this forum, I don't believe any of the members meant any disrespect. As Mr. Mountcastle said, from a parliamentary perspective, minutes are taken of all meetings, and there's no such thing as an "informal" meeting. In non-parliamentary circles, however, the term "meeting" often has a much broader meaning. The use of the word "informal" likely triggered notions of this broader meaning, and so the other posters were attempting to determine whether the "meeting" was a meeting in the parliamentary sense.

If this was a regular meeting called for by a rule or resolution of the organization or board, or a special meeting properly called in accordance with the organization's Bylaws, then it was a meeting of the board and minutes should be taken. If it was something else, it wasn't a meeting of the board and minutes should not be taken (nor could the board take action under such circumstances). I also realize many posters simply use the term "informal" to indicate that the meeting did not follow strict parliamentary procedure (which is common for small boards), so if this was your intent, I understand if the posters' questions about informal gatherings seemed disingenuous. I believe, however, that they were legitimate questions.

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