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revote on passed motion

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A motion was passed and vote was taken motion passed 10-2 . Then there was several public forums and discussions, and new elections. Now one of the new replacing members at the final public forum/ school board meeting wanted to make a motion that the take the previous passed motion off the table, he was told he could not do this as only people who voted in favor could make a motion to rescind the previous motion. He replaced a positive vote on the previous motion.

Is this true or could he have brought this to a vote? Cause the previous voter has been removed from the board.


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he was told he could not do this as only people who voted in favor could make a motion to rescind the previous motion . . . Is this true or could he have brought this to a vote?

Any member can make a motion to rescind or otherwise amend something previously adopted (as long as the action authorized by the original motion hasn't been completed).

But let's have no more talk about taking things off the table and other such parliamentary mumbo-jumbo.

And don't think in terms of "previous members" or "replacing members", just think of members. You either are one or you're not.

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A motion was passed and vote was taken motion passed 10-2 . Then there was several public forums and discussions, and new elections. Now one of the new replacing members at the final public forum/ school board meeting wanted to make a motion that the take the previous passed motion off the table, he was told he could not do this as only people who voted in favor could make a motion to rescind the previous motion. He replaced a positive vote on the previous motion.

Is this true or could he have brought this to a vote? Cause the previous voter has been removed from the board.


He was told wrong.

Whoever told him that has confused two motions: to Reconsider, and to Rescind.

The time when the motion could have been reconsidered has long passed. Reconsider does require that the mover had voted on the prevailing side in the original vote. Since he was not a board member then, he could not move to reconsider, but it makes no difference, since nobody can, at this point.

But any member can move to Rescind or Repeal existing policies.

According to RONR, the vote, with previous notice would be a majority, or without notice either a 2/3 vote, or a majority of the entire board. But, as a public body, your state law may supersede the notice requirement in surprising ways.

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