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Officers on HOA Board

Guest Paula

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We have a five member board for our HOA. No one WANTS to be Treasurer, however, one of the elected board must serve as Treasurer. It seems I recall there is a restriction concerning dual positons. Can the President also serve as Treasurer. Can the Secretary also serve as Treasurer.

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We have a five member board for our HOA. No one WANTS to be Treasurer, however, one of the elected board must serve as Treasurer. It seems I recall there is a restriction concerning dual positons. Can the President also serve as Treasurer. Can the Secretary also serve as Treasurer.

The most common combination is "Secretary/Treasurer". Many organizations, both large and small, combine the two positions into one in the bylaws. If they do, then one person must fulfill both rolls. But if your organization does not have a prohibition against one person holding two offices, then you can elect one person to both, as far as RONR is concerned.

Things to consider: What will that do you your quorum requirement? You will have one less board member on the board. Will your quorum decease or stay the same, according to your quorum requirement? Remember that no matter how many hats a person wears, that person has only one seat, and one vote, on the board. For both voting and quorum counts, you count breathing people, not hats.

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