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New ByLaws

Guest Tkommie Castille

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Guest Tkommie Castille

An organization has a set of ByLaws that have been voted on and passed?

Things don't go certain folks way. The leader pays no attention to the ByLaws.

Does what he wants and convinced some folks to do it his way.

Then he puts a committee together and write's new ByLaws. The committee in both the

following situations was not elected by the member's of the organization

Then another interim leader comes in and writes another set of ByLaw's.

Should the first set of ByLaws still be in effect since there was not a vote to set them aside?

How should this be corrected?

Thanks to anyone that can answer this question.

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An organization has a set of ByLaws that have been voted on and passed?

Things don't go certain folks way. The leader pays no attention to the ByLaws.

Does what he wants and convinced some folks to do it his way.

Then he puts a committee together and write's new ByLaws. The committee in both the

following situations was not elected by the member's of the organization

Then another interim leader comes in and writes another set of ByLaw's.

Should the first set of ByLaws still be in effect since there was not a vote to set them aside?

How should this be corrected?

Thanks to anyone that can answer this question.

Were the provisions of the (original) bylaws followed regarding their amendment?

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Should the first set of ByLaws still be in effect since there was not a vote to set them aside?

How should this be corrected?

Well, you can't "set aside" Bylaws, but you can amend them. Since it seems neither of the new sets of Bylaws was ever approved by the general membership (which is generally required in the amendment process in the Bylaws), it seems highly likely that the original Bylaws are still in effect. If anyone tries to follow some other, unapproved set of Bylaws instead, handle it with a Point of Order, Appeal, and maybe FAQ #20 as well.

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