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Members call for a vote

Guest DMS

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Unless your bylaws give him that power, he cannot block a vote on a valid motion. You can move to suspend the rules (2/3 vote required) and have someone else preside at the meeting if he continues acting like that.

If he rules the motion is out of order, he must state the reeason for that ruling. You can appeal his ruling if you disagree. A majority vote is required to overturn the chair's ruling.


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Unless your bylaws give him that power, he cannot block a vote on a valid motion. You can move to suspend the rules (2/3 vote required) and have someone else preside at the meeting if he continues acting like that.

If he rules the motion is out of order, he must state the reeason for that ruling. You can appeal his ruling if you disagree. A majority vote is required to overturn the chair's ruling.


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