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Slate question


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This is the first time we are holding elections and we NEED to make sure this is done accordingly - can someone let us know if this is the correct way ~

Our bylaws state: "The Nominating Committee shall consist of 2 members of the Executive Board and 2 persons from the membership. The Nominating Committee shall select the candidates for the offices mentioned above and present a slate of officers to the membership at the meeting prior to the last meeting of the academic year. The Nominating Committee shall select someone for President who has been an active member of the organization for at least one year. Election and installation of officers shall be at the final meeting of the academic year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor and voting shall be limited to nominees. A person nominated from the floor for President must be able to demonstrate his/her one year active membership in order to be considered an eligible candidate. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve is elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office."

1. Nominations have been turned in - they've been contacted and some have accepted their nomination and some have thanked us but declined

2. With regards to our nominating committee - do they now take those that have accepted and review to determine who they feel would be best fitted in order to do the slate - and then present those individuals only at our meeting on the slate - or do they put 2 names down on the slate for each position in order to have 2 running against each other? Or do they only put 1 name down to present at our general meeting and then in 30 days at our voting meeting is that when people that were not presented on the slate nominated from the floor?

The committee does not want to have this wrong as we have members from the 2009-2010 board nominating themselves and we do not want to do anything that will become an issue ~

Thank you


RONR p. 419 says:

Although it is not common for the nominating committee to nominate more than one candidate for any office, the committee can do so unless the bylaws prohibit it. It is usually not sound to require the committee to nominate more than one candidate for each office, since the committee can easily circumvent such a provision by nominating only one person who has any chance of being elected (see also p. 431).

... do they now take those that have accepted and review to determine who they feel would be best fitted in order to do the slate - and then present those individuals only at our meeting on the slate ...?

Yes, one name is all a Nom. Comm. needs to write down, per open position.

...or do they put 2 names down on the slate for each position in order to have 2 running against each other?

No. That is not required. The Book even discourages it.

Or do they only put 1 name down to present at our general meeting,

and then in 30 days at our voting meeting,

is that when people that were not presented on the slate nominated from the floor?

Yes. That the classic norm. -- Nom. Comm. presents its best person for the job; then the floor is opened for nominations.


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