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meeting agenda

out of order

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How do I go about speaking at a general meeting? Do I ask the president in advance to place my name on the agenda or do I just speak during 'new business'? Can the president tell me that I'm out of order if he doesn't like what I bring up?

Are you a member of the body holding the "general meeting"?

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How do I go about speaking at a general meeting?

Do I ask the president in advance to place my name on the agenda or do I just speak during 'new business'?

Can the president tell me that I'm out of order if he doesn't like what I bring up?

You can't just speak on anything.

What did you have in mind? A speech on some pet project? A rant or a rave?

If you MAKE A MOTION, then you've got 10 minutes automatically.

On what subject will you make your motion?

Can the president tell me that I'm out of order if he doesn't like what I bring up?


Your motion might be ruled "out of order."

Thus my question to you.

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How do I go about speaking at a general meeting? Do I ask the president in advance to place my name on the agenda or do I just speak during 'new business'? Can the president tell me that I'm out of order if he doesn't like what I bring up?

Presuming you are a member of this meeting's assembly, you can ask that your item of business be added to the agenda in the appropriate place in the order, or move that this be done when the agenda is being considered at the outset of the meeting. (See FAQ #14) Or, you can make a motion during New Business.

  • He can tell you that you are out of order if you are disruptive or otherwise violate the rules of decorum.
  • He can tell you that your motion is out of order if it would violate some rule to consider such a motion at such a time, for a wide variety of reasons that we cannot even speculate on, in the absence of further information.
  • He cannot tell you that anything is out of order based solely upon his personal opinion of the relative merits of your motion.

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How do I go about speaking at a general meeting?

You seek recognition when a debatable motion is pending, or when no motion is pending if your goal is to make a motion.

Do I ask the president in advance to place my name on the agenda


or do I just speak during 'new business'?

During New Business, you could seek recognition when a debatable motion is pending, or when no motion is pending if your goal is to make a motion.

Can the president tell me that I'm out of order if he doesn't like what I bring up?

No, not for that reason.

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