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Filling a vacant seat for elected positions


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What would be the correct way to fill a vacant seat of an elected representative (in this case, due to the death of that member)? Our council is having a difficult time deciding on how they're going to decide on it since they are split 4-4 on any votes, so I wanted to find out how you would go about replacing it correctly in regards to Robert's Rules.

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What would be the correct way to fill a vacant seat of an elected representative (in this case, due to the death of that member)?

Our council is having a difficult time deciding on how they're going to decide on it since they are split 4-4 on any votes, so I wanted to find out how you would go about replacing it correctly in regards to Robert's Rules.

If you asking, "Is there a tie-break mechanism in Robert's Rules of Order?" then the answer is "No."

Put another way, the tie-break mechanism to keep having rounds of balloting (or rounds of voting), until the tie is broken.

(Example: An abstainer might cast a vote; a person who voted for Mr. X might change his vote, or might abstain.)


If you are asking about "a correct way to fill a vacant seat of an elected representative," then one popular way to hold an election.

That is:

1. Nominate someone, or nominate a set of someones.

2. Debate their merits/demerits.

3. Vote. -- Majority vote wins.

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What would be the correct way to fill a vacant seat of an elected representative (in this case, due to the death of that member)? Our council is having a difficult time deciding on how they're going to decide on it since they are split 4-4 on any votes, so I wanted to find out how you would go about replacing it correctly in regards to Robert's Rules.

Your vacancy-filling procedure should be provided in your bylaws. If it is, then you must follow it. You do not get to decide how to decide.

If your bylaws do not spell out who fills vacancies, then a special election (with previous notice to the membership) will be required.

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What would be the correct way to fill a vacant seat of an elected representative (in this case, due to the death of that member)? Our council is having a difficult time deciding on how they're going to decide on it since they are split 4-4 on any votes, so I wanted to find out how you would go about replacing it correctly in regards to Robert's Rules.

If your board ("council") is authorized to fill the vacancy, it keeps voting until it does. (A tie vote is not inevitable since one member might be absent.)

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