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Committee Motion

Guest Timothy Marr

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If a committee brings a motion during a business meeting, does it have to be voted on before a new motion can be presented? Can it be ignored if the congregation does not agree or is it correct to vote it down before moving on?


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If you follow the standard order of business (and you should - see RONR, p. 24-25), you'll see that Committee Reports are given higher priority than "New Business" - they come beforehand.

And a committee report can conclude with a motion (presumably something the committee was asked to work up earlier on). You then deal with that piece of business then. It can be adopted, defeated, amended , postponed, whatever the assembly thinks is right.

Then you take care of other committee-generated business (if any) before getting on with other (new) business.

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If a committee brings a motion during a business meeting, does it have to be voted on before a new motion can be presented?

Can it be ignored if the congregation does not agree or is it correct to vote it down before moving on?

Beware of all the secondary motions which are in order while a main motion is pending.

While a main motion is pending, you could make (at least) the following motions.

1. Postpone indefinitely

2. Amend

3. Commit

4. Postpone definitely

5. Limit debate

6. Previous question

7. Lay on the table

Plus 5 privileged motions.

Plus incidental motions.

So if you thought that motions came in packages of "one to a customer," that would not be the case.

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