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Chairman - Recognition of Self


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Can a Chairman recognize himself, not for any debate, or, to seem partial to part of a debate, but, just to note pertinent information that would be helpful for others to consider in the debate, e.g., if a speaker states what he/she thinks is a fact, but, the Chairman knows this is not correct, can the Chairman inform the members of the meeting what the correct information is? If not, it's possible that the incorrect information may well influence the members to vote on the motion with having incorrect information, which may be pivotal. In this case, does he/she have to temporarily appoint someone else to the chair, in order to state what he/she knows?

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Can a Chairman recognize himself, not for any debate, or, to seem partial to part of a debate, but, just to note pertinent information that would be helpful for others to consider in the debate, e.g., if a speaker states what he/she thinks is a fact, but, the Chairman knows this is not correct, can the Chairman inform the members of the meeting what the correct information is?

No. Whether or not the intent is there providing information that may influence how members will vote could very well could be viewed as showing partiality on the question and providing that information is indeed entering into debate.

In this case, does he/she have to temporarily appoint someone else to the chair, in order to state what he/she knows?

Yes, the Chairman should turn over the chair to the Vice Chairman in order to enter into debate.

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This question has all the earmarks of a past event, unless MarkH has some inside knowledge or clairvoyant talents. But I had a thought which could possibly work, depending on the inaccuracy of the speaker. If it was something very simple, such as quoting an inaccurate dollar amount for some expense for example, the chair could perhaps quickly scribble a note to the Secretary (at his side, I hope) with the correct amount, and the secretary could obtain the floor and offer the correction, thus avoiding the chair relinquishing for the duration of consideration of the question. Surely if the issue was deeper than a simple factoid, it would not be advisable. But for a small correction, it might work, and with very little disruption or distraction to the proceedings.

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Can a Chairman recognize himself,

No, when the chair has reason to speak, he does not obtain the floor in the same way that others do.

not for any debate, or, to seem partial to part of a debate, but, just to note pertinent information that would be helpful for others to consider in the debate, e.g., if a speaker states what he/she thinks is a fact, but, the Chairman knows this is not correct, can the Chairman inform the members of the meeting what the correct information is?

See RONR(10th ed.), p. 42, l. 16-18.

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