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How to bring up a revote

Guest ctmick

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We had a meeting the other night to vote in coaches for our upcoming season. One coach was not there to plead his case and there was multiple coaches competing for one team. In fairness I want to give him the same opportunity as the others but am not sure how to revote. As President, do I have the authority to conduct a revote to allow all coaches to be present? Does another board memeber who actually voted have to bring it up or can it be done at all according to Roberts? Also, what does the voting majority have to be in a case like this? Thanks

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We had a meeting the other night to vote in coaches for our upcoming season. One coach was not there to plead his case and there was multiple coaches competing for one team. In fairness I want to give him the same opportunity as the others but am not sure how to revote. As President, do I have the authority to conduct a revote to allow all coaches to be present? Does another board member who actually voted have to bring it up or can it be done at all according to Roberts? Also, what does the voting majority have to be in a case like this? Thanks

Oh my.

[i don't like "oh my." Never have. But I compromise with the guessed rules of the website.]

"Oh my."

I bet you really need an on-site parliamentarian to look all this over, particularly having read all, yes all, your governing documents.

I'll say that you don't have authority as the president to order or conduct a re-vote, at all, unless your organization's rules explicitly say so. (They don't, really. Eh?)

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We had a meeting the other night to vote in coaches for our upcoming season.

One coach was not there to plead his case

and there was multiple coaches competing for one team.

"Coach" was absent, while other coaches made the effort to attend?

This it is his loss.

Not your loss. Not the other coaches' loss.

Tough nouggies.

In fairness I want to give him the same opportunity as the others but am not sure how to revote.

He already had an equal shot. -- He did not attend a meeting which other coaches did attend.

Q. You want to give one specific coach an unequal shot? Why?

Q. Why bend over backwards for one coach?

Q. Would you have bent over backward for 100% of the other coaches, too?

As President, do I have the authority to conduct a revote to allow all coaches to be present?

That's easy. -- "No."

Does another board member who actually voted have to bring it up or can it be done at all according to Roberts?

If you wish to reassign duties of coaches, any board member may make a motion, "... to amend the assignment of Mr. X so that Mr. Y is with [team B] and Mr. X takes over [team A]."

You are free to un-assign one coach, and re-assign another coach.

It would be treated as they were "committees of one".

You are free to assign committeeships. -- Take people off X, and put people on Y.

I assume that these "coaching" positions are arbitrary, and are not officer positions, and are not affiliated with a fixed term of office.

I assume you have no rule saying otherwise.

Also, what does the voting majority have to be in a case like this?

See the motion "Amend Something Previously Adopted."

Vote will be either (a.) 2/3; or (b.) majority; or (c.) majority of the membership (of your board); depending on circumstances (like previous notice).

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We had a meeting the other night to vote in coaches for our upcoming season. One coach was not there to plead his case and there was multiple coaches competing for one team. In fairness I want to give him the same opportunity as the others but am not sure how to revote. As President, do I have the authority to conduct a revote to allow all coaches to be present? Does another board memeber who actually voted have to bring it up or can it be done at all according to Roberts? Also, what does the voting majority have to be in a case like this? Thanks

The window of opportunity to use the motion to Reconsider expired when that meeting ended. Whatever business was completed is valid, and apparently all the required "fairness" was observed. A "revote", even if it were allowed (which it is not) would be unfair to all those who did show up to the meeting.

It sounds to me like the elections for any coaches who were voted in are now complete. The fact that someone was unable to, or chose not to "plead their case" is not sufficient to create a continuing breach (or as far as I can determine, even a transient one) of the rules, so the matter can't be reached by a (now untimely) point of order. Presuming the coaches who were present were notified of their election (i.e., by being present), their election stands.

The absentee could be voted into some other unfilled position, but other than that it's "wait till next year".

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